Stal“essu af Sęju

Saw this "Put your songs on shuffle and then answer the questions with the songs in the order they come up"-thing on someones blog...... and of course I had to do the same...
It doesn't always make sense, but who cares?

1. What's my mood like right now?

Identify - Into Eternity

 2. How's tomorrow going to be for me?
Seperate Lives - Alan Parsons Project

3. What kind of person am I?
Violate - Iced Earth

4. Am I loved?
Secret Face - Death

5. How can I achieve my highest potential?
Word Of The Christ - Angel 7

6. What should I do with my life?
I Can“t Stop The Rain - Peter Criss(KISS)

7. Is everything really going to be alright in the end?
Two For Tragedy - Nightwish

8. What is my best quality?
Fink Dial - Iron Monkey

9. How does my sex life look?
Gethsemane - Nightwish

10. What's the meaning of life?
Stripped, Raped and Strangled - Cannibal Corpse

11. What do people think of me?
The Night And The Silent Water - Opeth

12. Would I make a good catch?
Hands All Over - Soundgarden

13. How crazy am I?
Beth - KISS

14. Will I have a good life in general?
The Jester Race

15. Can anyone ever really love me?
Free Fall - In Flames

16. Can me and a mate ever be more than friends?
Exciter - Judas Priest

17. What's going to happen to me this week?
Rip It Out - Ace Frehley(KISS)

18. Where will I be a year from now?
The Turn Of A Friendly Card - Alan Parsons Project

19. What is my biggest wish?
FJL - Zao

20. What is the love of my life doing at this very moment?
Another Adam“s Escape - Extol

21. How will I die?
Screaming For Vengeance - Iced Earth(Judas Priest cover)

22. What will happen after I die?
Metal Thrashing Mad - Anthrax

23. How do my friends feel about me?
Bare Grace Misery - Nightwish

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